Skin Check Cards

Australia's best selling skin cancer early detection tool. Over 200,000 sold to date. From $6.95 per employee.

Skin cancer early detection saves lives

Skin Check Card's support Cancer Council's recommendations for your workplace

Empower your team to take charge of their health with our Skin Check Cards! This essential tool guides employees through the crucial “ABCDE” method of melanoma detection, helping them become familiar with their skin and ready to act at the first sign of change. Cancer Council recommend that employers prioritise sun safety and early detection education over onsite skin checks as part of their OH&S responsibilities. Our Skin Check Cards are proactive in that direction, ensuring your workforce is well-informed and protected.

What is the ABDCE method of melanoma detection?

When a doctor performs a skin check, they look at every lump, spot and mole on your entire body; areas of concern are assessed for signs of skin cancer using the ABCDE method of melanoma detection. As kids, we are taught to ‘slip, slop, slap, seek and slide’ but not much about the ABCs of skin cancer, a simple process that allows anyone to check their skin for melanoma warning signs.

Skin Check Cards educate your staff about the importance of self-checking by guiding them through the ABCDE method of melanoma detection. By getting to know their skin, your staff are better prepared to take immediate action if they notice any changes or warning signs.

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Customise your Skin Check Cards with your branding and health message

Branding the Skin Check Cards with your own company logo not only boosts your brand visibility but also enhances your reputation as a health-conscious employer committed to employee welfare. By customising these educational tools, you create a unique connection between your brand and the importance of skin cancer awareness and early detection.

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